Fleetwood Terminator is the ultimate performing shellac-based undercoat, primer, sealer and stain killer that can be used on all interior and spot exterior surfaces.
Kills the toughest stains
Ideal for sealing new wood
Blocks odours permanently
Sticks to the toughest surfaces
Quick Drying – Touch dry in 20 minutes, recoat in 45 minutes.
Coverage – 12 square metres per litre
Permanently blocks water, rust, smoke damage, chemical damage, mildew,, blood, grease and crayon
Sticks to all surfaces without sanding, glossy paint, varnish, tiles, PVC, metal and hard to paint surfaces.
Blocks strong odours, fire, smoke, nicotine, mould, mildew, pet stain odours.
Seals wood, knots, plaster, masonry, brick & high pH surfaces.
Primes all surfaces, kitchen cabinets, wood panelling, new wood and plaster.